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2025 School Theme: 'Seeds of Hope'

Hope is one of the virtues, along with faith and love, that expresses the heart of Christian life. 


Everyone knows what it is to hope. In the heart of each person, hope dwells as the desire and expectation of good things to come, despite our not knowing what the future may bring. 


We need to 'abound in hope' so we can encourage and share hope with others: our faith needs to be joyful and our love enthusiastic. Each of us may be able to offer a smile, a small gesture of friendship, a kind look, a good deed, so they will become for all who receive them - rich seeds of hope.


The Jubilee Prayer

Father in heaven,

may the faith you have given us in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother, and the flame of love enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom.

May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.

May those seeds transform our world in the expectation of a new heaven and earth where goodness triumphs.

May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven.

May that same grace spread the joy and peace of Jesus throughout the earth.

To you our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise for ever.



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